Alec Goodman

Alec Goodman serves as a senior biologist for RBC and has over five years of professional experience in the biology field. Alec holds a B.S. in environmental science from the University of Redlands and is a knowledgeable biologist with a diverse skill set. He has extensive experience working with and implementing survey protocols for a variety of desert fauna and flora including Mojave desert tortoise, Mojave fringe-toed lizard, burrowing owl, flat-tailed horned lizard, southwestern speckled rattlesnake, Mohave ground squirrel, desert cymopterus, Lane Mountainmilk-vetch, and freshwater seep and spring habitats. Additionally, Alec performs general biological surveys and assists with focused surveys for arroyo toad, fairy shrimp, rare plants, nesting birds, Least Bell’s Vireo, and California gnatcatcher. Alec’s experience also includes conducting preconstruction and development surveys, biological monitoring, outreach, human/wildlife conflict resolution, and wetland delineations.

Alec Goodman